Our Sutherlin Valley Online Academy Director was honored with the President's Award at the Sutherlin First Citizen Banquet. Sue works tirelessly on behalf of our online students; ...
Sutherlin School District has outstanding bus drivers, secretaries, instructional assistants, maintenance, and custodians. We couldn't educate students without them. They are vita...
We would like to share with families and the public, Sutherlin School District expects to fully reopen schools to full-day, five-day, in-person learning this fall. We maintain tho...
Sutherlin School District wants families to know that we are making plans for our fall return to learning. Your children can attend our buildings in person or attend our online ac...
October 29, 2020
Media Contact: Terry Prestianni
Email: Terry.Prestianni@sutherlin.k12.or.us
Phone: 541-459-2228
Clarification about COVID-19 c...
Dear families of students and staff at East Sutherlin Primary School.
We were notified by Douglas Public Health Network and Dr. Bob Dannehoffer, our Douglas County Public He...