Sheri Moothart
Transportation Supervisor
(541) 459-2785
Jim Robinett
Mechanic (541) 459-2785
Snow Routes

Sutherlin's temperate climate doesn't offer a lot of opportunities for snow days, but every winter ice, heavy rain, and occasionally snow require our district to delay or change bus routes. If weather conditions make travel too risky, the administration may choose to cancel school for a day or until the weather improves.
All changes to school operations are announced via SchoolMessenger and by local TV and radio stations. Below, find more details on delays, snow routes and how to sign up for SchoolMessenger.
Two-hour delays are made generally when early morning weather is icy, but light and expected to melt, improving driving conditions as the day continues. When a two-hour delay is called, bus pickup times are exactly two hours later (ex., 7:05 a.m. normal pickup becomes a 9:05 a.m. pickup.
Parents and students are reminded when snow routes are in effect some students who ride the bus will have alternate bus stops:
Bus does not travel further than the lower corner of Dovetail Lane (Knolls Estate); bus stop is the lower corner of Dovetail Lane.
Bus does not travel further than the Fair Oaks Fire Station; bus stop is Fair Oaks Fire Station
Bus does not travel Driver Valley Road; bus stop is Fair Oaks Grange.
Bus does not travel Cooper Creek Road; bus stop is the intersection of South Side Rd & Cooper Creek Rd.
Bus does not travel north of West Intermediate School, bus stop is West Intermediate School.
School Closure or Delay Announcements
The school district uses a messaging system to send text and email messages to parents' phones. This will only work if we have the correct phone number or email listed in our student information system. Please update your school records if your phone number or email changes.